
Test Your Vocabulary | Vocabulary Test

English vocabulary words

Test your vocabulary! This vocabulary test was created by VocabularySize.com and measures your general vocabulary size.

About the Vocabulary Test

The vocabulary test is 100% in English and only tests your English vocabulary size. This means that it doesn’t test each individual word you may know.

The words will become progressively more difficult. Similarly, the words tested will move from more frequently used (more concrete) to less frequently (more abstract) used lexical items.

The exam has been validated.

Space is limited, so take your free vocabulary exam now while space is available!

Test Instructions

There are 100 questions on this test. You are a word and an example sentence. You must choose the meaning of the word that most closely matches the highlighted words in the example sentence. You may NOT go back and change an answer.

Copy and paste the access code below to begin.

Access Code: ParadigmEnglish808

There is no time limit. Do NOT use a dictionary or any translation devices. Also, this vocabulary test may include English words with spellings from the U.S.A. (North America), the U.K., or Australia/New Zealand.

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What Next?

Were you happy with your results? Read more about your results here. You can practice speaking all of those new words with me in a Confident Conversations session.

Learning English and practicing vocabulary is extremely important for your life goals. But how do you learn vocabulary the correct way? I’ve recorded a podcast episode about it. In this episode I tell you one method to use, but there are many. You can read more about that here.

Do you think you did poorly? Don’t worry. Join Fluency Academy! Fluency Academy will boost your confidence in English to say exactly what you want, how you want.

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