
How to Speak Better English & Make More Friends

Did you know that you don’t have more friends because of your English? But it’s not because you don’t know English vocabulary or grammar. It’s not even because you don’t know phrasal verbs or idioms. In fact, it’s not what you say, but how you say it.

Making friends as an adult is tough. It’s even more difficult when you are still learning the English language. Speaking better English depends on many things. Have you used the correct grammar tense? Is your pronunciation clear? Is your vocabulary used right, etc. You’re a perfectly lovely person, aren’t you? So why aren’t you making friends in English? Well, you know what? Those things can all be correct and you still won’t make more friends because of how you are speaking.

Teachers never teach you how to speak. I don’t mean that they don’t teach you the alphabet or the 40+ sounds in English that the sounds make. I’m talking about your voice. Want to speak better English? I know you do. Focus on your voice. By targeting your voice, more specifically your tone, you will be able to make more friends and speak better English.

You learn this and more in Fluency Academy. What is Fluency Academy? Click here to learn more about how it can improve your English.

This helpful video from Fluency Academy explains more about tone of voice.